Lynwood Unified Welcomes Back Students for 2022-23 School Year with Celebration of New STEM Lab, Enhanced Programs



Lynwood Unified School District welcomed back some 12,000 students to campuses on Aug. 17 for the first day of the 2022-23 school year, which saw campuses decorated in colorful welcome posters, cheer teams performing and band groups playing celebratory tunes across the District. 

This school year, the District is launching increased socio-emotional resources for students and celebrating recently being awarded $250 million in financial support from the state to restore the Lynwood High School Imperial Campus.

Firebaugh High School students were greeted by the school’s cheer squad as they entered the campus to reunite with their mentors and peers.

“It’s exciting to be back at school with our friends and be able to learn in-person since we started high school online,” Firebaugh junior Ashley Rodriguez said.

Firebaugh High School will soon showcase a new state-of-the-art science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) lab that will allow the school to double enrollment in its biomedical science and nursing program along with its advanced manufacturing and engineering program. The lab will break ground in September.

Students at Lynwood High School had a fresh start at the recently renovated Bullis campus, complete with new and upgraded facilities for students to get the most out of their academic experience while the Imperial campus undergoes renovations to restore a high-quality campus for the community.

This school year, Lynwood Unified plans to hire social-emotional learning (SEL) specialists to lead SEL awareness at every school. Eight licensed clinical social workers have also been added to the District’s staff to increase mental health support for students and staff.

The District is also launching its universal Transitional Kindergarten (TK) program, which will expand the eligibility of children and families for TK. The program will be phased in over the next five years.

“I am excited to welcome back students for the 2022-23 school year. We as a community have overcome many challenges recently, and I’m honored to be a part of a District that consistently values academic achievement,” Superintendent Gudiel R. Crosthwaite said. “I look forward to helping our valued students, staff, and teachers continue to make positive changes and achieve high levels of success.”
