Lynwood Unified Families Come Together to Celebrate Parent Involvement Day

Rosa Parks Elementary School parent Erica Rodarte remembers how her busy parents were sometimes unable to attend school events and has vowed to participate in the school functions of her three children – including the District’s celebration on Nov. 21 of National Parent Involvement Day.
Hundreds of Lynwood Unified parents and guardians received curbside coffee and were treated to student presentations and performances across the District on the special day, which presented a variety of involvement opportunities.
“There is no replacement for visiting your child’s school and experiencing the educational journey with them,” Rodarte said. “My involvement at Rosa Parks has brought our family closer together and also bonded us with families who support their children in the same way.”
Rosa Parks hosted parents with a math workshop that shared problem-solving tips and held a family picnic; Helen Keller opened its doors for collaboration on a student art project, Lynwood High School parents were treated to continental breakfast and a drama production scene. Firebaugh High School parents attended a workshop and enjoyed a walk-through of classrooms.
All schools participated.
Teresa Cruz, the mother of a third-grader at Lugo Elementary and of a Lynwood High School student, watched her young son showcase a career exploration presentation. Lugo students were assigned career paths in fields like technology, engineering and science and presented key findings on those careers.
“The District makes it easy for me to engage with my children’s schools and it means a lot whenever I can be involved,” Cruz said. “When kids see their parents visible, I think it sends a message to them that we’re all in this together.”
National Parental Involvement Day was initiated in 1994 by school advocacy organization Project Appleseed, encouraging school districts around the nation to honor parents by hosting campus events.
The hope is for parents to learn ways to continuously get engaged in their children’s education throughout the year.
“Parental Involvement Day is a great time for us to recognize the parents and guardians who make our District a special place,” LUSD Superintendent Gudiel R. Crosthwaite said. “We could not reach our goals without them continually working alongside our staff to get the best out of the students.”